If in most of the animes I've seen you could keep up with the main character in the fight, and you felt that the author is subjective (it's hard not to be) here you see everyone's story. Why the fight, what's important for them, where do they get their determination, courage, motivation, drive.
All these aspects can be seen in many of the characters, even secondary ones. And I like that very much.
Each character has a story inside of them, and an inner world rich in content.
2. What are you willing to risk to follow what`s important to you? And how much are you willing to lose?
Ep 24, when Myiata chooses to fight with a badly injured leg because he promised Ippo that he was waiting for him in the finals is a precious episode that show us how important is to know why do you fight and what matters to you.
What did Miyata risk here? His entire career as a professional boxer, and one could see the determination, agility and seriousness with which he wanted to keep his word for Ippo.
This phase overwhelmed me and I really admire Miyata for his courage and commitment. This kind of decisions are brave and supported by life.
3. How do you carry forward what you have received valuable from experiences and struggles with others.
To show your respect for their dreams and to be a motivation for that supports you in difficult moments.
Tomorrow I will write another 3 reasons to watch this anime and another 3 valuable lessons from it.
Stay tuned!