Rising Impact - an anime I decided to give a chance out of curiosity.
I am a sports enthusiast and I really enjoy finding an anime that delves into the world of sports.
And when it's so well-detailed and delves deeply into what sports mean, how each character feels about the game based on their abilities and capacities, it’s a pleasure to watch each character.
So far, only one season has been released, and I would have liked there to be more 😁
The first season has 12 episodes, short but full.
At times, it can be a bit boring because there are some exaggerated moments with yelling or antics. But don’t be put off by these because they are irrelevant, and this anime has many useful life lessons regardless of age category.
And our main character, Gawain, fully supports what I’ve said.
Gawain is a young boy with an unnatural maturity for his age. He is more mature than many adults, has strong determination, and a simple and clear judgment.
This helps him very much to quickly clarify his goals and what he needs to do.
In simpler terms, he discovers his path very quickly and follows it with extraordinary courage.
Besides what I mentioned above, Gawain also has the ability to not complain, innocence, curiosity, and a receptiveness to everything around him that helps him improve his game.
He has a great talent and gift, but we see that the talent and gift he possesses must be supported by constant work and discipline.
The story revolves around golf, but what is delightful and magical are the relationships between characters, each one's abilities, the temptation to compete, and the drive to go all out.
However, Gawain has such joy and pleasure in playing that he relaxes those around him and “obliges” them to be more receptive and open to each other.
This combination and balance Gawain has—joy and pleasure in playing and growing—flows synergistically with the work and effort he puts in to grow and develop.
In the world of anime, we experience magic and superhuman powers, and of course, here too, magic is part of the story.
But it is magic that is easier to perceive because it is connected to something more concrete.
I love the ability and uniqueness of each to feel the game.
I won’t give you spoilers because I’ll let you discover each character's abilities on your own.
But what can we see in all those who master their abilities well?
The fact that they use them, and each has their own style, which makes them unique and creates their own path and way.
What I want to convey through this is to discover our own path and make full use of what we have at hand.
Because only in this way can we bring an extra something to our lives and grow on our path.
And that means carving our own way.
It’s much more difficult than I’m saying here, but it’s the only way and everything we want.
And we have to do this without competing with everyone around us.
We need to follow our own path, staying connected to ourselves, our resources, respecting life, and being open and receptive to what we have and what’s around us.
If we compare ourselves to others, complain, envy, and consider ourselves better or worse, it means we are not using what we have and we consider it insufficient, becoming just spoiled children who want everything without doing anything.
This way, we only make our lives harder and sabotage ourselves.
You’ll see at some point a scene that very well reflects what I said about competition, trickery, lying, pathetic behavior, and a spoiled child who wanted to be favored.
All that remains is for you to start watching it and enjoy it.
I finished it in two nights, not realizing how time passed and I was already very tired.
Enjoy watching 😁